Salary and Hiring Trends

From salaries to skills, find out what’s driving today’s workforce trends and get exclusive insights to help you win the competition for talent and jobs.

What’s Motivating the Gen Z Workforce?   [00:06]:  In a Robert Half report examining multigenerational workforces, most baby boomers, Gen Xers and millennials noted competitive salaries and raises as the biggest reason to stay put.    [00:18]:  Not Gen Z though. Only 36% cited money as their biggest motivator.  [00:23]:  So what gets Gen Z out of bed in the morning then? Turns out, a positive work culture and flexibility in when and where they work both do more to motivate them than salary.    [00:32]:  So how can you turn these numbers into a competitive advantage for recruiting or retaining Gen Z workers and others who have the same priorities?  [00:41]:  First, provide in-demand benefits and perks, and clearly communicate the value of the total compensation packages you provide — beyond just salary.  [00:49]:  Next, consider offering flexible work options if your company doesn’t already. And make sure you highlight them in the interview process.  [00:57]:  For more salary and hiring insights, visit the Robert Half blog.

2024 Salary Guide

Explore projected starting salaries and employment trends for 500-plus positions. Start any salary discussion here, informed by data from tens of thousands of job placements. Explore our 2024 Salary Guide

12 perks your company needs to offer

Go beyond salaries and see which extras can best strengthen your hiring and retention efforts. Help make your company stand out as a destination workplace in a candidate-driven market. Insights into the hottest jobs and skills for the coming year. Read the blog

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Subscribe to updates What jobs are in demand? Get insight into 2024 employment trends & learn which professionals are hardest to hire in our report, The Demand for Skilled Talent. 2024 Salary Guide Access Robert Half’s 2024 Salary Guide & Survey, including data on salary ranges, perks and benefits, and hiring trends. Hiring help Research and insights The Risks of Accepting a Counteroffer It may feel good to be in demand — but getting a counteroffer from your current employer after handing in your notice can also be stressful (and awkward!). Should you accept or politely decline? See this post for tips on how to make a decision. How Skills-Based Hiring Could Help Solve Your Talent Shortage Learn how a skills-based hiring strategy can help you secure standout talent in a competitive market — and make a positive impact on your staff retention efforts and bottom line, too. Finding a Job: How a Recruiter Can Kick-Start Your Job Search When it comes to finding a job — that is, finding a good job — two heads are better than one. Discover 10 ways a professional job recruiter can help! Hiring? Here’s Why You Need to Update Your Job Descriptions Jobs aren’t the only things evolving in the 2020s. If you’re in the hiring mode, get these tops on how to refresh your job descriptions. How to Evaluate a Compensation Package and Job Offer As you evaluate a new job offer, be sure to keep the complete compensation package, including salary, perks, benefits and more, in focus. Learn more in this post. No Response After an Interview? Here’s What to Do If You’ve Been Ghosted Have you receivedno response after an interview with an employer? Read Robert Half's advice on what to do if you feel you've been ghosted. 6 Signs You’re Stuck in a Dead-End Job Have you started feeling like you might be stuck in a dead-end job? Read Robert Half's advice on how you can improve your situation. How to Craft an Effective Out-of-Office Message Taking time off from work? Before you go, create an out-of-office message that keeps your colleagues and other valued contacts in the loop on all the key details they need to know. See this post for tips.

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