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Subscribe to updates What jobs are in demand? Get insight into 2024 employment trends & learn which professionals are hardest to hire in our report, The Demand for Skilled Talent. 2024 Salary Guide Access Robert Half’s 2024 Salary Guide & Survey, including data on salary ranges, perks and benefits, and hiring trends. Landing a job Career development The Risks of Accepting a Counteroffer It may feel good to be in demand — but getting a counteroffer from your current employer after handing in your notice can also be stressful (and awkward!). Should you accept or politely decline? See this post for tips on how to make a decision. Finding a Job: How a Recruiter Can Kick-Start Your Job Search When it comes to finding a job — that is, finding a good job — two heads are better than one. Discover 10 ways a professional job recruiter can help! Should You Follow Up on a Job Application? You haven't heard back since sending a company your resume. Learn how to follow up on a job application without annoying the employer. 5 Strategies for Remote Workers to Grow a Visible, Vibrant Career Working remotely while your colleagues are on-site? Learn tips for being visible, vital and productive while you advance your career from afar. How to Evaluate a Compensation Package and Job Offer As you evaluate a new job offer, be sure to keep the complete compensation package, including salary, perks, benefits and more, in focus. Learn more in this post. No Response After an Interview? Here’s What to Do If You’ve Been Ghosted Have you receivedno response after an interview with an employer? Read Robert Half's advice on what to do if you feel you've been ghosted. 6 Signs You’re Stuck in a Dead-End Job Have you started feeling like you might be stuck in a dead-end job? Read Robert Half's advice on how you can improve your situation. 6 Reasons an Administrative Assistant Career May Be Right for You Administrative assistant careers are embracing more strategic, creative roles. Learn if this evolving profession is a good fit for you.