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This service isn’t currently available in Quebec. Please contact our staffing specialists in Montreal or Quebec City for candidates in Quebec.

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We back every professional we place*. But if for any reason you’d like to try a different candidate, we’re happy to accommodate you – free of charge. *Contact your local office for more details. Find your next hire

Add specialized talent across your organization

Finance & Accounting From accountants to CFOs, we’ll bring you top candidates with in-demand skills and experience and help manage the hiring process for you. Accounts Payable Clerk Bookkeeper Controller Senior Financial Analyst Payroll Administrator Senior Accountant Learn more about our Accounting and Finance hiring solutions
Technology From cybersecurity professionals to developers, we’ll bring you top candidates with in-demand skills and experience and help manage the hiring process for you. Applications Architect Business Intelligence Analyst Desktop Support Analyst Help Desk Technician Software Developer Web developer Learn more about our Technology hiring solutions
Administrative & Customer Support From office managers to customer service professionals, we’ll bring you top candidates with in-demand skills and experience and help manage the hiring process for you. Administrative assistant Customer experience representative Executive assistant HR Assistant Receptionist Purchasing Assistant More about our Admin and Customer Support hiring solutions
Marketing & Creative From copywriters to creative directors, we’ll bring you top candidates with in-demand skills and experience and help manage the hiring process for you. Account Manager Copywriter Digital marketing manager Front-end developer Graphic designer UX designer Learn more about our Marketing and Creative hiring solutions
Legal From lawyers to law clerks, we’ll bring you top candidates with in-demand skills and experience and help manage the hiring process for you. Contract administrator In-house counsel Lawyer Law Clerk Legal assistant Learn more about our Legal hiring solutions

Get global consulting expertise

Need help managing a workforce, solving complex challenges or transforming your business? Access deep consulting expertise from Protiviti that seamlessly blends with our talent network for a flexible, custom-built solution: Achieve long-term, strategic transformation Drive immediate business results Run day-to-day operations with managed solutions Learn more

Explore talent hiring insights

Subscribe to updates What jobs are in demand? Get insight into 2024 employment trends & learn which professionals are hardest to hire in our report, The Demand for Skilled Talent. 2024 Salary Guide Access Robert Half’s 2024 Canada Salary Guide & Survey, including data on salary ranges, perks and benefits, and hiring trends. Management tips Hiring help Career Growth: 6 Behaviours That Damage Your Influence at Work Your behaviours affect your reputation and influence at work. Learn what damaging behaviours to avoid in the workplace for career growth. How to Ask for a Raise Want more pay but lack confidence to ask? Discover these essential tips for how to ask for a raise in Canada and get what you deserve. Hire Employees Right the First Time: Tips to Avoid Bad Hires A bad hiring decision can cost you in ways that extend beyond the time it takes to find a replacement. Learn the strategies for making smarter hires. What is Mentoring? Don’t be intimidated by asking what is mentoring. Read Robert Half Canada’s seven tips to help boost your career with mentoring. 15 Second Interview Questions to Expect (with Answers!) Discover 15 sample second interview questions, along with ideas of how to answer them, tips to prepare and questions to ask the interviewer. 2024 Canada Job Market: Tech Hiring Trends Find the top tech hiring trends and tech jobs in 2024 for both Canadian employers and employees. 2024 Canada Job Market: Marketing Employment Trends Find the top marketing employment trends effecting the job market in 2024 for both Canadian employers and employees. 2024 Canada Job Market: Legal Hiring Trends and In-demand Jobs Find the latest legal job market trends and law firm hiring trends in 2024 for both Canadian employers and employees.

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